A quality Local Company

With Emmix Communications you will always have the most up to date technology and services available.

Emmix uses latest in Technology to deliver communication to your business that are tailored to its needs

We have best techs look at you location, needs, communication budget and work you to find the best solution for your business

Our Philosophy is that business is unique and in so we try to find the best solution to you business by have a local sale person and engineer visit with and find what best fits your business. Then those same people will come and install, train and work with until you are completely satiated with the solution we provided.

Why Emmix

Becuase we are local business care about other local business. Larger company have no longer care about business or even know who are. At emmix you will know your techs your sales people and we will know you.

A Unified Communications application designed to...

We take your companies budget and needs into account, then...

With Emmix Communications small business owners now have the...

With Emmix Communications you will always have direct access to our team including personal cell phone numbers.

We have customer that needed service and installed them in the same day.

Emmix uses latest in Technology to deliver communication to your business that are tailored to its needs